1. Company information

Name of Company: TiszaRelax Kft.

Base of Company: H-4069 Egyek, Deák Ferenc utca 101.

Company registry number: 09-09-033468

Taxation number: 27523669-2-09

Manager: Gábor Pogai


Place of service: Boró Apartman

Address: H-5350 Tiszafüred, Poroszlói street 10.

Phone Number: +36-30-551-7535

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



2. Personal Data Safety Statement

In this statement, the following theoretic and practical actions are listed, which are applied for data management by TiszaRelax Kft.

The information gathered from the visitors of our website is suitable for the corresponding legal legislation (Act CXII of 2011 on data safety). The personal data given by our Guests are confidentially handled, will not give them to any third-party, except the data handled over to authorities on their request. Please read the Data Management information carefully, and use our services respectively.


3. Data Management

The Accomodation asks the Guests for their personal information. The Accomodation may check the following information in reference with the corresponding legal legislations (including those referring to Aliens law enforcement and tourist tax) in order to fulfill its obligations, proof of fulfilling the obligations, and the identification of the Guest(s). The data needed for these obligations are the following:

  • full name
  • nationality (statistical aim)
  • type and number of identification document (ID card, passport)
  • date and place of birth
  • address
  • e-mail address
  • license plate number (if needed, in case of parking)
  • date of arrival/departure
  • The data provided by the Guest are handled confidentially, will not be given to any third-party, unless permitted by the Guest.
  • Upon any enforcement request, the Accomodation must hand over the data for the requesting authorities.
  • By signing the registration form, the Guest accepts that the personal information given on the registration form will be managed and archived within the given time period, for creating a contract, proving that the contract is fulfilled and for validation of any demand.

Credit and Debit card data management

  • The credit card number or bank account data will be used as long as it is required and only for the required amount.
  • The given data is managed by the Accomodation’s banking partner. Please read the bank’s website for more details on their data management.

Security camera system

  • Around the Accomodation, for the personal and valuable safety, a security camera system has been installed.
  • When entering an area with a security camera, boards sign the presence of security camera in the area.
  • The aim of the security cameras is to safeguard the equipment, the Guests’ personal safety and their high value assets.
  • For more information on the security camera system, please ask the Accomodation, or the read the ’Information about the use of Electric Monitoring System’ informative.

Evaluation system

  • For the Accomodation, it is important to provide quality services. In order to operate efficiently, the Accomodation asks the Guests to fill in evaluation sheets or questionnaires (online, via e-mail, or at the Accomodation on paper).
  • Providing personal data is not necessary for these evaluations. In case of any complaints, however, providing personal information is recommended.
  • The opinions form these evaluations, from which the Guest’s identity cannot be originated, cannot be compared with a name in connection with the Guest, may be used for statistical purposes.
  • The data given with these evaluation sheets, will be deleted after investigating the complaints by the Accomodation.

Logged information, website, cookies

Our servers automatically registrate the users’ IP-address, the operating system and the browser they use, as well as some other information. These data are only used cumulatedly and processed form, for fixing incidental problems with our services, raise the quality of these services and for statistical purposes. These data given by the user of the website will not be connected in any way. The Accomodation uses an analytical device, which creates a line of data, and tracks how the visitors navigate on our website. The system creates a cookie at entering the website, to collect the data in connection with the visitation (sites visited, time spent on each site, browsing data, exits from the website, etc.), which, however, cannot be connected to the person of the viewer. The analytical device is not collecting any data connected to the person of the viewer. Most internet browsers automatically accept cookies, the visitors are able to delete these cookies or automatically reject the cookies. Since every browser is different, the visitor can individualize their cookie preferences. It is probable, that some features of the website will not be available, if you decide not to accept the cookies.


With any question or requests, you can find us at H-5350 Tiszafüred, 10. Poroszlói Street, or if you want more information on data management, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us on either the following phone numbers: +36-30-551-7535 or +36-59-515-453.

In case of any problems regarding data management, reach the National Data Safety and Freedom of Information Authority:

H-1125 Budapest

Szilágyi Erzsébet Alley 22/C

Mailing Address:

H-1530 Budapest

P.o.B. 5.

Telephone: (06) 1 391 1400

Fax: (06) 1 391 1410

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

By reserving any accomodation, the Guest has read and accepted the term and rules above.


Boroapartman 2018; Készítette BL